Mark 8:12

Mark 8:12

Mark 8:12 Maurice A. O’Sullivan mauros at Wed Jan 23 11:04:56 EST 2002   Greek word in the Passover? Greek word in the Passover? Erik:I see Trevor has already given you the basic “steer” on this — it is indeed a “Hebraism”, and inZerwick, Maximilian S.J. Biblical Greek: Illustrated by Examples. English edn. Adapted…

Hebrews 7:15

Hebrews 7:15

[] KATADHLON ESTIN EI KATA THN OMOIOTHTA – Heb 7:15 Erich Vaughan Burton zaxciel at Tue Dec 9 07:32:59 EST 2003   [] only begotten [] KATADHLON ESTIN EI KATA THN OMOIOTHTA – Heb 7:15 KATADHLON ESTIN EI KATA THN OMOIOTHTAHeb 7:15My question, what is the best possible translation of the word ” EI…