Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: GNT equivalent of Hatch and Redpath?

BTW the reason I want an *exhaustive* concordance of the GNT is so I can find instances of various pronouns and particles in NT verses. Then I can use suchverses to help me remember what a particular pronoun or particle means. For example, if I can find a verse in the GNT (or in the LXX via Hatch-Redpath) that has οποιος in it, it will help me understand what the word means as opposed to simply trying to memorize its meaning without any supporting context.

I'll probably make a third A5 binder with entries just for particles, pronouns and adverbs -- and include a sample GNT/LXX verse to help me remember the word's meaning.

If I have time...sigh

Statistics: Posted by Mitch — Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:26 pm

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