Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: ἢ in LXX Psalm 1:4
Thanks Joel. Interesting that the emphatic negative οὐχί is in both the 1 Ki and Lk examples (though not in Ps 1:4).Statistics: Posted by Mitch — Sat May 18, 2024 3:36 pm
Thanks Joel. Interesting that the emphatic negative οὐχί is in both the 1 Ki and Lk examples (though not in Ps 1:4).Statistics: Posted by Mitch — Sat May 18, 2024 3:36 pm
Hi all, this is mind-boggling to me as well, but my first reaction was that this might be a gloss interpolation (i.e. textual corruption caused by someone copying into the main text a marginal note). A further bit of context I noted was that this sect…
second addition:the analytical Concordance can be seen at Archive.orghttps://archive.org/details/analyticalc … 2/mode/2up(Just for borrowing …but nevertheless it is giving an impression; the Archive.org-versioan has all two volumes combined!)Statist…
His source, Billerbeck/Leberecht, for that “usual periphrasis” line relies on Luther’s unfortunate German translation to make its point:https://archive.org/details/kommentarzu … 0/mode/2upSo his argument as it stands doesn’t hold up.But I would agre…
Credit to Michael for arriving at the same independently. (Though I didn’t quite understand his comment about “the translation’s ‘uplifting'”, lol.)Maybe someone can post the exact manuscript text without all these (very very esteemed) editorial specu…
I had a very similar thought to mwh about its unintelligibility, and was casually trying to figure it out during the sermon at church this morning, having looked up the context on TLG just before. There appears to be a divine voice of some kind talkin…
Yeah, I had a post written up about the earlier πεπηγμένος, but happily Chad’s post covered it first.I can get closer to the spelling, if you’d like.So αναγκη βιαια – irresistible necessity – would be great, but you would have to imagine a dropped ver…
Euripides, Heracles 596ἐν αἰσίοις ἕδραις “In the auspicious chamber” Xenophon, Cyropaedia 2.4.18 ἀετὸς δ᾽ ἐπιπτόμενος αἴσιος “an eagle flying up from the east”αἴσιος means, strictly speaking, “auspicious,” “bringing (good) omens;” and good omens came …
I thought that this might just be something to do with the poetry here, and looked at how ἀλλ’ ἤ gets used elsewhere. A quick scan through Genesis and the early books of the LXX shows it mostly being used in the “standard” way, to mean “unless” or “ex…
Isagoge may depend on how much you like Aristotle.The Suda is more of an encyclopedia, if that is what you are looking for. I would be surprised if there is no Latin translation. [EDIT: Ludolph Küster’s version (1705) has a Latin translation]Statistic…
Thanks for that. I need to have more thinking. Would you suggest that it could mean “force” the way some translations render it?I should clarify my argument; I’m not suggesting it is “more accurate” translation. It is prophetic language after all. I…
Sorry for not being clearer, I wasn’t interested in how the Greek here is translated from the Hebrew, I just wanted to know more about the kind of grammatical constrction used in the sentence. And I just found theanswer: it’s a “causal clause” as desc…
AdditionAlfred SchmollerHandkonkordanz zum griechischen Neuen Testament (14th ed 1968)https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/Sear … danz&sts=tStatistics: Posted by Jean Putmans — Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:19 pm
Here’s Polybius with an aorist of the same verb, taking a dative object. After laying out the main points of the treaty:Ταῦτα μὲν οὖν ὑπετυπώθη τότε κεφαλαιωδῶς περὶ τῶν διαλύσεων· ἔδει δὲ τούτοις πρῶτον μὲν εὐδοκῆσαι τοὺς Αἰτωλούς, μετὰ δὲ ταῦτα γίνε…
βαρις and πυργόβαρις are only attested in the Septuagint and JosephusThe biggest difficulty with the word origin is that this isn’t true. The LSJ mentions the two authors in Herodianus, “λέγεται βάρις ἡ οἰκία, ὡς Ποσείδιππος, καὶ ἡ συνοικία ὡς Ἔφορος….
This sort of thing is anathema to me. And why do theologians have to be so very nasty to one another? But I’m trying to understand the syntax along with the sense, starting from ταύτης τοίνυν οὕτω συναιρομένης (6 lines up from end). There it looks to …
Having read through a bit of the rest of the manuscript now, I think what we have is:ὃ δὲ ὄντως ἐστίν· αὐτὸς πρὸς αὐτὸν νοούμενος· καὶ εἰς ἡμᾶς λεγόμενος· διορισμὸς πάντων ἐστίν· καὶ <εἰς> τὸν πεπηγμένον ἐξ ἀνεδράστων ἀνάγκῃ διάβα· καὶ ἁρμονία σ…
[Posted independently of Michael, whose post I will read in a moment.]Note: ὑπέδυς is 2nd personμηδ᾽ αἱρουμένης ποιεῖν ἑαυτῇ φίλους ἐκ τοῦ μαμωνᾶ τούτου τῆς ἀδικίαςnor choosing to make for herself friends using this mammon of unrighteousnessτοὺς ὅταν …
Hi all, now that the weekend has come, I’ve had a chance to look up the underlying sources, and they lean heavily in favour of Michael’s initial view (although not exactly the same). I’ve written up my notes below, in case of interest to others.This p…
Well let’s not go overboard over this. We’re talking of the accusative as the subject of an infinitive, and there’s nothing weird about that, it’s perfectly regular, and extremely common. Even in English we can say “I believe him to be an idiot” (Lat….