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Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: Trouble understanding a specific passage in Gregory Palamas

[Posted independently of Michael, whose post I will read in a moment.]Note: ὑπέδυς is 2nd personμηδ᾽ αἱρουμένης ποιεῖν ἑαυτῇ φίλους ἐκ τοῦ μαμωνᾶ τούτου τῆς ἀδικίαςnor choosing to make for herself friends using this mammon of unrighteousnessτοὺς ὅταν …

Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: Passive verb with object in Acts of John 98

καὶ τὸν πεπηγμένον ἐξ ἀνεδράστων ἀνάγει ἡ γῆ βεβαία καὶ ἁρμονία σοφίαςAnd the solid ground and jointure/”harmony” of wisdom uplifts the affixed [cross of light] from unstable [things; perhaps the list that follows].Statistics: Posted by jeidsath — Tue…