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Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: The function of αὐτὸν in this sentence puzzles me.

Good question. You’ve nearly got it. αυτόν is not the object but the subject of γεννῆσαι. μετὰ τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν τὸν Σάλα is a prepositional phrase meaning “after he (αυτὸν) begot Sala.” τὸ is the neuter article, here accusative, governed by μετά “aft…

Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Psalm 126.2 LXX

ΕΑΝ μὴ Κύριος οἰκοδομήσῃ οἶκον, εἰς μάτην ἐκοπίασαν οἱ οἰκοδομοῦντες· ἐὰν μὴ Κύριος φυλάξῃ πόλιν, εἰς μάτην ἠγρύπνησεν ὁ φυλάσσων. -Ps. 126.2 LXXExcept the Lord build the house, they that build labour in vain: except the Lord keep the city, the watchm…

Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: Passive verb with object in Acts of John 98

καὶ τὸν πεπηγμένον ἐξ ἀνεδράστων ἀνάγει ἡ γῆ βεβαία καὶ ἁρμονία σοφίαςAnd the solid ground and jointure/”harmony” of wisdom uplifts the affixed [cross of light] from unstable [things; perhaps the list that follows].Statistics: Posted by jeidsath — Tue…

Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: The function of αὐτὸν in this sentence puzzles me.

Good question. You’ve nearly got it. αυτόν is not the object but the subject of γεννῆσαι. μετὰ τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν τὸν Σάλα is a prepositional phrase meaning “after he (αυτὸν) begot Sala.” τὸ is the neuter article, here accusative, governed by μετά “aft…