[] Syntactical Function of a Participle? Erick Venden erickvenden at worksmail.net
Sun Apr 17 10:04:24 EDT 2005
[] Query re: Shepherd of Hermas. [] Syntactical Function of a Participle?
This is my first time posting to this mailing list. I am struggling withGreek Syntax and especially when it comes to participles. Can someoneplease help me to understand the syntactical function of the participle EXWNin Philippians 1:23. It is rather obvious to me that this word is beingused circumstantially but I cannot figure out the specific nuance of this orjust about any participle.Pdt. Erick VendenOC InternationalEvangelical Theological Seminary of IndonesiaParakletos Seminary, IndonesiaYogyakarta, Indonesia
[] Query re: Shepherd of Hermas.[] Syntactical Function of a Participle?
[] PARAKLHTOS Fridolin Janzen fjanzen at gmx.net
Sun Jun 11 00:54:39 EDT 2006
[] Greek software for Windows 95 [] Doctrinal comments: please omit
Dear friends,In the first place I would like to thank all of you that made comments andgave enlightenment to help solve the doubts about how PARAKLHTOS should betranslated. Some considerations first:1. I have come to the conclusion that we will never come to a unanimousconsensus in how the word should be translated.2. I believe Jesus wanted the Holy Spirit to be to us everything He Himselfrepresented to the disciples while with them, and used the word not only inrelation of His suffering, neither only with regard to reinforce thewitnessing of the apostles (although this was included), but in every aspectwe would need the PARAKLHTOS in our daily walk with God, just as thedisciples needed the Lord Himself.3. What did Jesus do when he was “called to the side of the disciples”? Theresulting answers will determine the activity of the Holy Spirit in relationto us.4. What I did not realize before, is that the Holy Spirit is also thePARAKLHTOS of the unbeliever. In this respect He is not able to be”Comforter”, or “Advisor”, or “Mentor”, or “Advocate”, (John 16:7-11). Thetext says that the Comforter will reprove the world . (A Comforter willreprove?) So reproof is part of the ministry of the PARAKLHTOS, just likethe Lord proceeded with the Pharisees and other hypocrites. 5. So I came to the conclusion that we do not have a broad enough term inour language that encompasses all these aspects of the work of thePARAKLHTOS.6. Since we do have a transliterated word for PARAKLHTOS in the Portugueselanguage, “Paracleto”, I decided, as of now, to use this word and thenexplain it, with the following footnote:7. PARAKLHTOS (parakletos): “called to the side of”. Usually translated as”Comforter”, which is but one of His activities. Jesus was the PARAKLHTOSand was substituted by the Holy Spirit. Someone who is at our side as:Advocate, Helper, Intercessor, Counselor, Instructor, Mentor, Comforter,Witness, etc. In relation to the unbeliever He is the “prosecutingattorney”, accusing him of sin, righteousness and judgment. Since we do nothave a word which encompasses all these meanings in our language, we willuse the transliterated word “Paracletos”.8. The last alternative that remains is to proceed in the same manner as Idid with the word “phone”. According to the context use a different term. Shortly I will come up with other doubts I am still having. Thank you somuch!Pastor Fridolin Janzen
[] Greek software for Windows 95[] Doctrinal comments: please omit