Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: GNT equivalent of Hatch and Redpath?

dear Mitch,

“ I *still* can't remember all of it “

I know very well how that feels!

I had my last Greek-Lessons are 40 years ago. Even then I was horrible bad in Greek. Probably my old Greek-Teacher would be very astonished (and happy) to see, that now I do Greek as a hobby.

I don’t use binders, but fiche-cards (a good advice of my professor at University, studying German language and Literature). Though they also don’t really improve my memory-capacities.

In the mean time I have learned, to accept, I will never be able, to read greek like I do Dutch, German, English. I don’t bother any more. I am happy translating with the help of all Grammars and Lexicons I can get and afford (I like looking things up in books). The translating process is slow and cumbersome. But hey, who bothers, it’s my hobby, not my profession and - a bonus of a hobby - I don’t have to pass exams!

Statistics: Posted by Jean Putmans — Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:00 am

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