Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: GNT equivalent of Hatch and Redpath?

Hi Michael yes I also have BAGD on my bookshelf and consult it from time to time. Having read through Mark and Matthew in the GNT I'm now slowly working through Psalms in the LXX and when I hit an unfamiliar word I check different lexicons in the following order:
  • 1 - Cambridge Greek Lexicon - to get the general meaning(s) of the word, and especially meanings when it's found in Polibius and/or Plutarch i.e. Koine
  • 2 - Muraoka's LXX lexicon - if CGL doesn't have the word, or if it's entry seems too short or lacks reference to authors in the Koine era, I go to the Muraoka lexicon next. Often good insights there but sometimes seems too "interpretive" in its meanings.
  • 3 - LSJ - If I'm doubtful about Muraoka's entry then I'll usually try LSJ online via Logeion, but the amount of information there often overwhelms me.
  • 4 - BAGD - I occasionally dip into this as well if CGL/Muraoka doesn't satisfy me. But I sometimes find BAGD too "theological" in its focus which IMO skews its interpretations somewhat.
And together with all of the above, I'm also slowly working through CGCG a second time, this time translating all the examples from Greek authors and slowly building my Greek vocabulary and understanding of morphology and syntax.

I'm also creating my own lexicon of Greek verbs in a couple of A5 3-ring binders. Each time I learn a new verb from my LXX Psalms reading, I add a page for that verb with the most common meaning(s) of the verb. Then from time to time I pick up one of these binders and review a few dozen pages.

Anyways, after two years of (re)learning Greek, I feel like I'm finally making some progress :-)

Statistics: Posted by Mitch — Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:15 pm

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