Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: GNT equivalent of Hatch and Redpath?

vol 2 the Grammatical Focus is a peculiar lexicon

suppose you want to find all Nouns Fem.Acc.Plur.
look at page XII Abbreviations and Symbols (archive.org scan page 18) you see N F A P.

Look at the right page (uneaven pages) at the top right, you will find N-AF-P starting at page 1157 (in fact it starts at the last line of 1155! This is a problem of the setting of the pages). From there untill page 1164 you will find all nouns, acc fem plur in the NT: Handy if one needs to know all FemAccPl-endings.

Statistics: Posted by Jean Putmans — Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:18 pm

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