Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: Job 37:9

Job 37:9 ἐκ ταμιείων ἐπέρχονται δῖναι ἀπὸ δὲ ἀκρωτηρίων ψῦχος

What is meant by ταμιείων?

ταμιείων is the genitive of ταμεῖον/ταμιεῖον meaning treasury, magazine

Luke 12:34 ταμεῖον storehouse
Matthew 6:6 ταμιεῖόν closet
Matthew 24:26 ταμείοις chambers

Deuteronomy 32:25 חדרים/ταμιείων within?
Proverbs 3:10 אסמי/ταμίειά barns
Ezekiel 28:16 תוך/ταμίειά within?
Psalm 144:13 מזוי/ταμίεια garners
2 Kings 6:21 חדר/ταμιείῳ bed chamber; with κοιτῶνός/משׁכב.

The word is uses irregulary but i know אסם means φάτνη; manger, crib, feeding-trough. I think
in Prov 3:10 the context is feeding-trough, מזו seems to be φάτνη also

Not sure why ταμιείων is functioning as an adverb in Ezekiel 28:16 and Deuteronomy 32:25.

Statistics: Posted by Saboi — Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:27 pm

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