Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: The function of αὐτὸν in this sentence puzzles me.

Good question. You’ve nearly got it. αυτόν is not the object but the subject of γεννῆσαι.

μετὰ τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν τὸν Σάλα is a prepositional phrase meaning “after he (αυτὸν) begot Sala.” τὸ is the neuter article, here accusative, governed by μετά “after”; and τὸ in turn governs the infinitive γεννῆσαι, which has—as infinitives often do—both an accusative subject (αυτόν, i.e. Kainan) and an accusative object (τὸν Σάλα). τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν τὸν Σάλα is a noun phrase (a common function of τό).

We’ve just been told ἔζησεν Καινὰν ἑκατὸν τριάκοντα ἔτη, καὶ ἐγέννησεν τὸν Σάλα “Kainan lived for 130 years and sired Sala” (i.e. at age 130, I presume this means) and now we get the continuation: “and after he sired Sala (μετὰ τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν τὸν Σάλα [this could also be translated “after his siring of Sara,” but the construction is quite different] he lived for 330 years …”.

Hope this helps.

Statistics: Posted by mwh — Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:26 am

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