Koine and Biblical and Medieval Greek • Re: The function of αὐτὸν in this sentence puzzles me.

Thank you indeed for this. :-)

One of the problems all language learners face is trying to fit strange constructions into our mental framework of how a language "should" work. Infinitives that take accusatives as subjects rather than objects is definitely on that list. When I first came across infinitives with articles (expressing intent) that looked weird because we just don't do that in English, nor in Hebrew. It takes a while to wrap one's head around this stuff. Sometimes we have to stop analysing it too much and just accept it en-bloc and not try to break it down too much into its constituent parts. Sometimes things are just the way that they are and that's it. Even what we call the accusative does not have to function in another language quite the way we think of it in English. πάροικός εἰμι ἐν γῇ ἀλλοτρίᾳ, it takes a while to adjust . . . .

Statistics: Posted by thestuffedowl — Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:49 am

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