Lk2:15 variant Rick Strelan rick.strelan at
Sun Dec 19 17:38:00 EST 1999
Mk 8:35-37, YUCH Mk 8:35-37, YUCH Being that time of the year, I’d be curious as to how others read thevariant KAI hOI ANQRWPOI in Lk 2:15. Are they to be understood as belongingwith the angels [cf the ANDRES in Lk 24:4 and Acts 1:10]?Enjoy the celebrations,RickDr Rick StrelanStudies in ReligionUniversity of QueenslandBrisbane, Australia 4072
Mk 8:35-37, YUCHMk 8:35-37, YUCH
Lk2:15 variant Carlton Winbery winberyc at
Sun Dec 19 21:21:04 EST 1999
Mk 8:35-37, YUCH double positive? Rick Strelan wrote;>Being that time of the year, I’d be curious as to how others read the>variant KAI hOI ANQRWPOI in Lk 2:15. Are they to be understood as belonging>with the angels [cf the ANDRES in Lk 24:4 and Acts 1:10]?> The inclusion of KAI hOI ANQRWPOI is a Byzantine plus the primary Westernwitness [Beza], thus Metzger can rank the support for the shorter readingas superior because it consist of B, aleph, Theta with the Latin and Syriacversions and I agree that, all other things being equal, that is strongerevidence. However, we have the possibility of a parablepsis here caused byhomoiteleuton, an accident. Also Lukan style favors the longer reading. Iam sure G.D. Kilpatrick (British and Foreign Bible Society editor)preferred the longer reading on stylistic grounds. Also von Soden.If the longer reading is accepted, I would render it “And it came to passthat the angels departed from them into heaven. And the men, the shepherdswere saying to one another, ‘Let us . . .'”KALA CRISTOUGENNADr. Carlton L. WinberyFoggleman Professor of ReligionLouisiana Collegewinbery at speedgate.netwinbery at andria.lacollege.eduPh. 1 318 448 6103 hmPh. 1 318 487 7241 off
Mk 8:35-37, YUCHdouble positive?