Titus 2:12 Explicative OUDE Frazier Conley fconley at cableone.net
Sat May 18 15:25:36 EDT 2002
Acts 16:25 Acts 16:25 1 Timothy 2:12. DIDASKEIN DE GUNAIKI OUK EPITREPW OUDE AUQENTEIN ANDROS ALL’EINAI EN hHSUCIA.Lenski calls OUDE in this sentence “explicative OUDE.”He says, “If this statement were positive it would be followed by anexplicative KAI; since it is negative, we have explicative OUDE, for’neither to excercise authority over a man’ states the point involved in theforbidding ‘to teach.'”I think he is correct, however, I cannot find “explicative OUDE” in mygrammars. Any input?Frazier ConleyMinisterWhitewright, Texas
Acts 16:25Acts 16:25
Titus 2:12 Explicative OUDE Carl W. Conrad cwconrad at artsci.wustl.edu
Sun May 19 06:39:40 EDT 2002
Acts 16:25 The opening of 1 Peter At 2:25 PM -0500 5/18/02, Frazier Conley wrote:>1 Timothy 2:12. DIDASKEIN DE GUNAIKI OUK EPITREPW OUDE AUQENTEIN ANDROS ALL’>EINAI EN hHSUCIA.> >Lenski calls OUDE in this sentence “explicative OUDE.”> >He says, “If this statement were positive it would be followed by an>explicative KAI; since it is negative, we have explicative OUDE, for>‘neither to excercise authority over a man’ states the point involved in the>forbidding ‘to teach.'”> >I think he is correct, however, I cannot find “explicative OUDE” in my>grammars. Any input?I haven’t noticed the term, but the adjective means “explanatory.” Whenused of KAI I’d think it would refer to a KAI followed by a word that makesexplicit what the intended implication of the preceding word , so of OUDE,an OUDE followed by a word making explicited the intended implication ofthe previous word governed by the OU. So here: OUDE AUQENTEIN would havethe sense “nor even” and would be equivalent to a KAI OU.– Carl W. ConradDepartment of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)Most months:: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243cwconrad at artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad at ioa.comWWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/
Acts 16:25The opening of 1 Peter