1 Corinthians 11:13

Thanks, guys. Statistics: Posted by timothy_p_mcmahon — March 18th, 2017, 10:59 pm
This is basically the view of Alan G. Padgett, As Christ Submits to the Church: A Biblical Understanding of Leadership and Mutual Submission (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2011), 107-108, and Alan Padgett, “Paul on Women in the Church: The Contradictions of Coiffure in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16,” JSNT 20 (1984): 69-86 at 82. It has not caught on. Statistics: Posted by Stephen Carlson — March 17th, 2017, 8:13 am
Well, the context makes it not viable. Both are rhetorical questions, the first understood from κρίνατε, the other from ἡ φύσις αὐτὴ (that's what the editions I have found online say, without the ἤ as first word in 14, but with that there is no way it wouldn't be a question). If it had not been a rhetorical question it would seem strange to introduce "nature herself" here. Still it is not clear to me what the implication of the first rhetorical question is. Should the long hair of a woman be regarded as a substitute for a veil, so that she doesn't need another? Statistics: Posted by Robert Emil Berge — March 17th, 2017, 4:25 am
13 εν υμιν αυτοις κρινατε πρεπον εστιν γυναικα ακατακαλυπτον τω θεω προσευχεσθαι 14 η ουδε αυτη η φυσις διδασκει υμας οτι ανηρ μεν εαν κομα ατιμια αυτω εστιν 15 γυνη δε εαν κομα δοξα αυτη εστιν οτι η κομη αντι περιβολαιου δεδοται I've always taken vv 13 and 14 as questions, but have recently encountered the proposition that these are declarative sentences: "Judge among yourselves. It is proper for a woman to pray to God unveiled. Neither does nature itself teach you that if a man grows his hair long it's a dishonor to him." This doesn't seem to me to fit the context, but is it a viable take on the passage? Statistics: Posted by timothy_p_mcmahon — March 17th, 2017, 12:22 am

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