[] John 11: 16 Lala Su lala_su at yahoo.com
Tue May 6 09:19:28 EDT 2003
[] VCincent’s WORD STUDIES [] Greek trivia: all the letters… Dear all,in John 11:16, Thomas says agwmen kai hJmeiv iJnaajpoqanwmen met autou. I always think that met autouin this sentence is refering to Jesus. Buat I read onecommentary that said that met autou in this sentenceis refering to Lazarus. Is this gramatically right? One again, can you give me the aorist subjuctiveactive for grafw? Because i can’t find it, and thepassive of aorist subjuctive of grafw is look like theaorist subjunctive active for others word.Thanks Lala Su __________________________________Do you Yahoo!?The New Yahoo! Search – Faster. Easier. Bingo.http://search.yahoo.com
[] VCincent’s WORD STUDIES[] Greek trivia: all the letters…