Matthew 9:17

Mt 9:17 Dmitriy Reznik dpreznik at
Mon Sep 13 16:34:05 EDT 1999


QEOTHS-Col 2:9 Mt 9:17 Dear friends,Could you tell me whether there is any difference between KAINOS and NEOS in Mt 9:17: … ALLA BALLOUSIN OINON NEON EIS ASKOUS KAINOUS… (but they put new wine into new skins…)?And can KAINOS mean “renewed” instead of “new”?Thank you.Dmitriy Reznik


QEOTHS-Col 2:9Mt 9:17

Mt 9:17 Jim West jwest at Highland.Net
Mon Sep 13 16:51:23 EDT 1999


Mt 9:17 Mt 9:17 At 04:34 PM 9/13/99 +0000, you wrote:>Dear friends,> >Could you tell me whether there is any difference between KAINOS and NEOS >in Mt 9:17: … ALLA BALLOUSIN OINON NEON EIS ASKOUS KAINOUS… (but they >put new wine into new skins…)?>And can KAINOS mean “renewed” instead of “new”?I think that kainos refers to quality whereas neos refers to age.Best,Jim+++++++++++++++++++++++++Jim West, ThDemail- jwest at highland.netweb page-


Mt 9:17Mt 9:17

Mt 9:17 Carl W. Conrad cwconrad at
Mon Sep 13 17:07:44 EDT 1999


Mt 9:17 Mt 9:17 — Off Topic At 4:04 PM -0500 9/13/99, Dmitriy Reznik wrote:>Dear friends,> >Could you tell me whether there is any difference between KAINOS and NEOS>in Mt 9:17: … ALLA BALLOUSIN OINON NEON EIS ASKOUS KAINOUS… (but they>put new wine into new skins…)?>And can KAINOS mean “renewed” instead of “new”?NEOS means “young” in terms of years of age; KAINOS means “new” in thesense of “recently established” or “recently produced.” The antithesis ofNEOS is GERAIOS, of KAINOS it is PALAIOS.Carl W. ConradDepartment of Classics/Washington UniversityOne Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649cwconrad at artsci.wustl.eduWWW:


Mt 9:17Mt 9:17 — Off Topic

Mt 9:17 — Off Topic David Roe d.roe at
Mon Sep 13 17:08:58 EDT 1999


Mt 9:17 s & SBL Hi Dmitri,Can’t advise on the Greek. But this reminds me… The ’99 new-wineseason has begun already in Rheinland-Pfalz. New wine is partiallyfermented, and has an alcohol content anywhere from practically nil tothat of wine, depending on its stage of development (which lasts a weekor two, depending on the temperature). New wine is not sold insupermarkets, because it can not be sealed. It is therefore sold only inwine regions, and is the stimulus for much national tourism in Germany(Germans typically have 6 weeks vacation/year).Wine culture aside, and Greek as well, if the wine spoken of in Mt 9:17were the explosive new wine (neuer Wein), it is logical that an old,less flexible skin would not suffice.DavidRheinland-Pfalz, Germany> Dear friends,> Could you tell me whether there is any difference between KAINOS and NEOS > in Mt 9:17: … ALLA BALLOUSIN OINON NEON EIS ASKOUS KAINOUS… (but they > put new wine into new skins…)?> And can KAINOS mean “renewed” instead of “new”?


Mt 9:17s & SBL

MT 9:17 George Goolde goolde at
Mon Sep 13 19:09:26 EDT 1999


QEOTHS-Col 2:9 QEOTHS-Col 2:9 Kainos means new in kind.Neos means new in time.GeorgeGeorge A. GooldeProfessor, Bible & TheologySouthern California Bible College & Seminary


QEOTHS-Col 2:9QEOTHS-Col 2:9

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