Matthew 12:28

FQANW In Mt 12 28

[] FQANW in Mt 12:28 Mark admin at Sat Apr 16 09:54:25 EDT 2005   [] “Self-Study Language Programs” for German, French, etc. [] FQANW in Mt 12:28 Dear Dr. Conrad,In article: wrote, about Mt 12:28,> I have long felt that FQANW is one of the strangest verbs in the Greek> language, and its…

John 20:28

John 20:28

[] Jn 20:28 – Grammatical difference betweenthenominativefor vocative or of exclamation? Barry nebarry at Sat Apr 1 08:46:39 EST 2006   [] Jn 20:28 – Grammatical difference between the nominative for vocative or of exclamation? —– Original Message —– From: <frjsilver at>To: “Robb Wallace” <robbw at>Cc: < at>Sent: Friday, March 31,…

1 Corinthians 15:24

1 Cor 15:24-28 weismann weismann at Tue Apr 9 08:16:00 EDT 2002   Lk 24:17-28 NT and LXX use of Kurios (“Lord”) Hello,I ‘ve read time ago an article of G. Pelland, “La théologie et l’exégèsede Marcel d’Ancyre sur I Cor 15:24-28”: Gregorianum 71/4, 1990, 679-695 (with English Abstract).It’s about how different philological interpretations…

Luke 8:28

Lk 8:28 Rick Strelan rick.strelan at Thu Jul 8 22:35:10 EDT 1999   Hair-splitting apologies Any comments on the variant EA in Lk 8:28? I’d be particularly keen to knowof non-biblical occurrences of EA in magical papyri etc.RickDr Rick StrelanStudies in ReligionUniversity of QueenslandAustralia 4072   Hair-splitting apologies Lk 8:28 Rick Strelan rick.strelan at…

Hebrews 11:28

PEPOIHKEN In Heb. 11 28

Phil 1:28 hHTIS Iver Larsen iver_larsen at Wed Jan 9 03:31:37 EST 2002   Question about Manuscripts digest: January 08, 2002 > >> >Phil 1:27-18 hOTI STHKETE EN hENI PNEUMATI, MIAi YUCHi SUNAQLOUNTES THi> >PISTEI TOU EUAGGELIOU KAI MH PTUROMENOI EN MHDENI hUPO TWN ANTIKEIMENWN,> >hHTIS ESTIN AUTOIS ENDEIXIS APWLEIAS> >> >Does hHTIS refer…

Matthew 28:17


hOI for some in Mt 28:17? richard smith rbsads at Sun May 19 23:04:56 EDT 2002   The opening of 1 Peter Vine’s Expository Dictionary Mt 28:17 KAI IDONTES AUTON PROSEKUNHSAN,hOI DE EDISTASANAre there grammatical reasons that hOI is generally translated as “some”rather that as “they”?Someone from another list suggested that DE might be…

Matthew 11:28

Matthew 11:28: Behold, a drunkard?

Matt 11:28-30 chiasm or parallelism? Steve Long steve at Mon May 17 13:44:55 EDT 1999   Luke 13.2,4 (was Re: aramaic influence) Luke’s Semitic Style Is there a chiasm or parallelism happening here?DEUTE PROS ME PANTES OI KOPIONTES KAI PEFORTISMENOI KAGW ANAPAUSW UMASARATE TON ZUGON MOU EF UMAS KAI MAQETE AP EMOUOTI PRAUS EIMI…

Mattew 28:17

Matt 28 17 Some Or All Doubted

Matt 28:17 some or all doubted? Tim Duke tduke at Mon Jul 19 08:54:31 EDT 1999   Greek/Hebrew and Bibliographic Programs John 1.3 “KAI IDONTES AUTON PROSEKUNHSAN, hOI DE EDISTASAN.”ought the hOI DE in Matt 28:17 be translated ‘some’, or does it refercollectively to the whole group?I can find no parallel instance where such…

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 28:19

[] Mt 28:19 AUTOUS EIS TO ONOMA Don Dwight dddwight1234 at Wed Oct 3 18:59:38 EDT 2007 [] PAS in Colossians 1:15-20 and tense in v.20 [] Mt 28:19 AUTOUS EIS TO ONOMA Does Mt 28:19 contain the double accusative construction?Mt 28:16 οἱ δὲ ἕνδεκα μαθηταὶ ἐπορεύθησαν εἰς τὴν Γαλιλαίαν εἰς τὸ ὄρος οὗ…