Luke 21:19

Luke 21:19

Lk 21:19 Noel & Mary Fitzpatrick njfitzpatrick at Wed Nov 28 16:00:43 EST 2001   Heos Hou Lk 18:13; TWi hAMARTWLWi In Lk 21:19 Bible Windows gives KTHSASQE as aorist imperative mid dep 2nd pers plural, while it is given as future middle by Robertson (NT Word pict.).The imperative is supported by AV, DBY…

Luke 18:13

Luke 18:13

Lk 18:13; TWi hAMARTWLWi Paul S Dixon dixonps at Tue Nov 27 16:23:44 EST 2001   Use of MH Concerning Romans 1: 20 and NOUMENA KATHORATAI Isn’t it rather curious that translators omit the definite article hereand render it as though the construction were anarthrous? Does anybodyknow of a translation yielding “the sinner,” rather…

Luke 11:2

[] Heinemann on Matt. 6:10//Lk. 11:2 Jeffrey B. Gibson jgibson000 at Fri Jan 4 20:01:09 EST 2008   [] Double Negation with Subjunctive [] Heinemann on Matt. 6:10//Lk. 11:2 I’ve just finished reading Joseph Heinemann’s “The Background of Jesus’Prayer in the Jewish Liturgical Tradition” (pp. 81-89 in _The Lord’sPrayer and Jewish Liturgy_, J. Petuchowski…

Luke 8:28

Lk 8:28 Rick Strelan rick.strelan at Thu Jul 8 22:35:10 EDT 1999   Hair-splitting apologies Any comments on the variant EA in Lk 8:28? I’d be particularly keen to knowof non-biblical occurrences of EA in magical papyri etc.RickDr Rick StrelanStudies in ReligionUniversity of QueenslandAustralia 4072   Hair-splitting apologies Lk 8:28 Rick Strelan rick.strelan at…