John 2:23

John 2 23

John 2:23 backusfam1 at backusfam1 at Wed Apr 3 13:28:32 EST 2002   Greetings from Japan Textbooks for Principles of Exegesis Class My question is in regard to John 2:23 as to the use of the dative plural of the word Jerusalem in the Greek text. Why is this in the plural form?…

James 2:15

James 2:15

James 2:15 (loosely connected to “Compound subjects with hH” [sic]) Paul Zellmer zellmer at Sun Sep 6 19:49:32 EDT 1998   Isaiah 45:19 (also Isaiah 7:14 in Mt 1:23) b-hebrew I didn’t realize when I asked my question about the *H* in James 2:15this past weekend that this has been an area of debate…

2 Corinthians 1:20

The Repeated Use Of DIA In 2 Corinthians 1 20

The repeated use of DIA in 2 Corinthians 1:20 Bret A. Hicks bret at Wed Jul 14 09:15:03 EDT 1999   What to count (was: Hair-splitting…) KURIE ELEHSON ME As I was studying 2 Corinthians 1:20 this morning, I noticed that Paulused the constructionDI’ AUTOU TO AMHN TW QEW PROS DOXAN DI’ HMWN(THROUGH HIM…

Titus 2:1

Titus 2:1

[] DIDASKALIA and Titus 2:1 Jon Boyd boyd at Mon Sep 8 23:21:35 EDT 2003   [] Grammar, Syntax, and Semantic terms [] DIDASKALIA and Titus 2:1 Dear friends,I have a question on the following passage:Titus 2:1-2aSU DE LALEI hA PREPEI THi hUGIANOUSHi DIDASKALIAi. PRESBUTAS NHFALIOUSEINAI, SEMNOUS, SWFRONAS . . .I’ve always taken it…

Titus 2:12

Titus 2:12

Titus 2:12 Explicative OUDE Frazier Conley fconley at Sat May 18 15:25:36 EDT 2002   Acts 16:25 Acts 16:25 1 Timothy 2:12. DIDASKEIN DE GUNAIKI OUK EPITREPW OUDE AUQENTEIN ANDROS ALL’EINAI EN hHSUCIA.Lenski calls OUDE in this sentence “explicative OUDE.”He says, “If this statement were positive it would be followed by anexplicative KAI; since…

Titus 2:11

Titus 2:11

Titus 2:11 Kevin Smith kgs at Sun Sep 19 04:23:47 EDT 1999   DE “Grammatical” Categories Dear friends, Titus 2:11-12a in NA27 reads:EPEFANH GAR hH CARIS TOU QEOU SWTHRIOS PASIN ANQRWPOIS PAIDEUOUSA hHMAS…. I am trying to figure out the logical function of SWTHRIOS. Grammatically it must be predicate adjective modifying CARIS. But what…

2 Thessalonians 1:12

2 Thessalonians 1:12

Granville Sharp and 2 Thess 1:12 Jason Hare parousia_occ at Tue Apr 11 08:01:06 EDT 2000   Previous message: Rom 1:1 KLHTOS APOSTOLOS Next message: Granville Sharp and 2 Thess 1:12 Do you think that 2 Thess 1:12 is an example ofGranville Sharp’s Rule? Just wanting to see what youall think.Jason__________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Talk to…

Hebrews 2:18

Hebrews 2:18

Heb 2:18 PEPONQEN, PEIRASQEIS Jonathan Robie jonathan.robie at Fri Jul 30 08:47:18 EDT 1999   Hebrews 2:10 DIA (repentance) Heb 2:18 PEPONQEN, PEIRASQEIS Hebr 2:18 EN HWi GAR PEPONQEN AUTOS PEIRASQEISI am not sure that I have grasped the aspect of PEIRASQEIS in combination with the perfect verb PEPONQEN, and I am not sure…

1 Corinthians 15:2

Exegesis of 1 Cor 15:2 George Goolde goolde at Thu Dec 30 16:17:53 EST 1999   Hades, Tartarus, Gehenna all rendered “hell”–Loyal translation? Luke 2:2. Time to quit Dear ers,I am preparing a student notebook which includes an exegesis of 1 Cor 15:1-5. In studying 1 Cor 15:2 I have some exegetically challenging questions.…

Galatians 2:4

The structures of Gal 2:4 and 2:6 Moon-Ryul Jung moon at Mon Apr 22 10:46:25 EDT 2002   [off topic] Online Horsley _Paul and Empire_ Seminar now open The structure of Gal 2:2 Gal 2:4-5 reads:4 DIA DE TOUS PAREISAKTOUS YEUDADELFOUS hOITINES PAREISHLQONKATASKOPHSAI THN ELEUQERIAN hHMWN […]5 hOIS OUDE PROS hWRAN EIXAMEN THi hUTOTAGHi…

James 2:13

James 2:13 Rob Matlack united_by_truth at Mon Oct 1 14:45:49 EDT 2001   Parsing of Gal 3:11 Parsing of Gal 3:11 Steven Lo Vullo [mailto:doulos at] wrote:> > on 9/28/01 12:24 PM, Rob Matlack at united_by_truth at wrote:> > > The Majority Text of James 2:13b reads: KATAKAUXATAI ELEON KPISEWS> > How…

Luke 11:2

[] Heinemann on Matt. 6:10//Lk. 11:2 Jeffrey B. Gibson jgibson000 at Fri Jan 4 20:01:09 EST 2008   [] Double Negation with Subjunctive [] Heinemann on Matt. 6:10//Lk. 11:2 I’ve just finished reading Joseph Heinemann’s “The Background of Jesus’Prayer in the Jewish Liturgical Tradition” (pp. 81-89 in _The Lord’sPrayer and Jewish Liturgy_, J. Petuchowski…

2 Timothy 2:2

First, there is precedent in the pastorals for Paul’s use of plural anthropos in a gender-specific way. In 2 Timothy 3:8, for instance, Paul writes, “Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth–men [anthrōpoi] of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.” The anthrōpoi…